Jumoo - Digital service stuff

As you probably know I’m leaving the safe world of corporate employment and setting off on my own [not quite on my own, the family are coming, including Ruth who has a not so secret past as web manager for Liverpool John Moores university] - Jumoo is the result of that wing spreading.

Jumoo, is our digital services company - specializing in evidence based, customer focused, digital stuff. We are looking to help large organisations in both the public and private sector, deliver good digital customer services.jumoologojumoologo

There’s lots and lots of stuff to talk about and to that end I’ve moved this blog - it will now live here at http://blog.jumoo.co.uk/, I will continue to write about the mixed bag of big website strategy, random usability and occasional umbraco stuff, if you want you can follow us on twitter @jumooies, and if you think we can help you do digtal stuff don’t hesistate to get in touch info@jumoo.co.uk.