The first line of your social media policy

If your organisation is looking to use social media, to communicate, offer services or promote itself via social media there really is only one thing that can be at the top of an effective social media policy.

1. Unblock all social media websites and applications for all staff in the organisation.
Social media is much more of a mindset, an organisation has to understand how social media works, how it’s more about transparency, authenticity and the individual voice – then it is about corporate speak and top down communications.

Facebook, it’s a social network

However the people within an organisation aren’t just going to “get” that when you point at them and say “use twitter”. They need to have an experience of using social media for them selves to understand how the interactions work, and how messages can spread. They can’t get that by reading books, or downloading PDF guides on social media, they need to absorb it through practical use.